Thursday, February 13, 2014

App Idea: LocalNation: Consolidating Community Communication

This is an idea from a while back, I s'pose most of what is here could be achieved using existing social/broadcasting apps IF we could somehow get towns and cities to effectively streamline and share their information across agencies.

Loclnation is inspired by the idea that people at local levels around the world have the need to share information more effectively. While some of this 'local information' is available through a variety of sources, some of it is not. Loclnation will 'aggregate' all of a user's local info into one app. The app will update automatically which will prevent the user from having to check multiple sources to get their local news and information.

Some of this information is also on local websites and bulletin boards but, again, the user, in almost all cases would need to check multiple sources. The app is free and easy to use which lowers its barrier to adoption.

Loclnation looks to inspire people to use technology to communicate and revolutionize the way they interact with one another.

The main thrust of the idea centers on a mobile framework that users can upload content to. The content is then relayed to the front end app/reader.

The Mobile App

The mobile app is downloaded for free, like many other apps. A user either enters their current zip code to retrieve data or the device's geo location will be used.

  • It is available on both iOS and Android
  • It is/has portrait mode only
  • It auto updates
  • When updates are present the app indicates this

New updates are always organized to the top of categories (bulletin board) and announcements that have already been viewed are grayed out.

The Framework

At its core it is a base mobile framework to which users can add content pertinent to their locale. It will be built and deployed in a number of tiers, Base, I and II. These tiers represent different levels of monetization and may possible represent phases of implementation.


  • Police
  •   Fire
  •  Announcements
  • Town/City Business
  • Schools
  • Churches

Once a town or city adopts the framework they will be encouraged to 'advertise' it. This can be easily achieved by posting on town websites, bulletin boards and/or sending home announcements with school children. Sample announcements will be provided to the Towns to be used as a guideline.

The base framework only allows for text based posting (ala twitter) and is limited to 200 characters per post/announcement.

Posts can be flagged as sticky (permanent) or they can be time based. They can also be scheduled, either in the future or to recurr.

The town framework will be great for sharing information with the community, such as:
  • Weather Alerts
  • Church Bbqs
  • Health Advisories
  • School Cancellations
  • School Sports


A pivotal advantage of adopting this framework is that it is a local aggregator for news and events. By having it in a mobile app these announcements are delivered instantly to the clients. User will no longer have to go searching for this info in  multiple places. It will be delivered to their mobile device automatically and they will be alerted that there is an update present.

Tier 1

Tier one will be a both a free and a paid tier where local businesses can advertise. By adopting the framework a town will ensure that there are many local residents using and viewing the app.

For free, the adevertisers can post a classifed of sorts but will be will limited to 100 characters, 3 days maximum posting and they cannot schedule any announcements. (Note free postings never shuffled to the top of the list when an update occurs, they only shuffle to the top of the free section)

 Advertisers that pay $1 per day to list a special event will enjoy more benefits including scheduling, and up to 500 characters including a headline. This is mostly a different service then what is being offered in other outlets. Things to be advertised here would be:

  •  Live Music (when and who)
  •  Garage Sales
  • Bake Sales

This low cost advertising would be very attractive to local residents who don't want to go through the hassle of creating advertisements or maybe want to promote something cheaply at the last minute.

Both the free and Paid Teir 1 framework(s) only allows for text based posting (ala twitter). It would seem roughly like classifieds to the user.

Tier 2

The Tier 2 framework is also a payed tier. It will be used mainly like by local publishers, free town circulars etc. Many of these local publishers do not have mobile apps or access to creating them. By using the loclnation framework they will easily enter into the mobile sector and be able to generate a profit.

  • Tier 2 is a subscription ($99 - $149 per month) to the full suite of online tools, this will allow publishers to post entire editions of their publications as native mobile apps.
  •  User can also upload ads which will periodically appear at the bottom of stories.
  • Users can also flag certain ads as 'feature' ads. These are basically the equivalent of full page ads and take over the whole screen when a user taps on a story.

By selling the additional ad space in the mobile app to their existing clients the cost of the monthly subscription will more than pay for itself.

Having Schools and town news in the app ensures a local audience for the publishers.

Further, printed papers are going away. Many local publishers have been slow to realize this. As the shift to electronic/mobile medium continues, these local publishers will have more and more users online, this will eventually allow them print fewer papers. The result will be thousands in savings on printing costs to each publication.

Loclnation will allow these small publishers to have a professional, monetized presence in the mobile sector.

Using the Framework

The framework will be simple to use.

To publish to the mobile app users will be supplied with a suite of online tools. These tools will include areas to cut and paste text and add photos.

Once the user adds text and photos (if supported) to a story they can then assign a category in which the story/announcement will appear.

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